The “Letter” interview with Jens Gützkow

In an interview in Letter, the member magazine of the “Deutsche Fachpresse”, our CEO Jens Gützkow discusses innovations, digital content, the expectations of future readers and what role magazine apps will play as a result.

Letter:“Let your Content shine” is PressMatrix’s slogan. How do you get digital content to shine so brightly?

JG:It was clear to us from the beginning that our customers’ content should be centre stage and not the technology platform behind it. With videos, picture galleries, HTML and multimedia, all options can be utilised that are not available in print. And that is ultimately makes digital content shine.

Letter: What do you see as the most important factors for the success of magazine apps?

JG: An app is successful if it manages to become part of the chain of digital moments during the reader’s day-to-day life. This means finding the perfect time to reach the reader with content that is important to them. In addition, publishers must in any case understand how user behaviour has changed in the last few years. Readers are increasingly expecting content that is selected specifically for and tailored to them. The app is a way for publishers to try out different topics and media and communicate directly with readers. This way they get a feel for what content really interests the reader.

Letter: You recently introduced the ReadMatrix software solution onto the market. What is it about?

JG: With ReadMatrix we have entered the world of distributed content. The aim of it is to reach the reader independently from the channel and media. ReadMatrix is an intelligent platform that shows publishers what interests readers and what the reader is moved bay, how and when. It supports the publishers in creating relevant content. The focus lies on individual articles that can be utilised in a targeted way on the appropriate channels at the right time.

Letter: Which developments are currently on trend in terms of usability?

JG: In future, intelligent audio systems such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, will play an important role and redefine usability. Compared to a smartphone, the media disappears and the information is encrypted. This interaction is self-determined and independent of menus, fonts and images.

Letter: How do you think digital publishing will develop in generally in future and what are the biggest challenges publishers face?

JG: Readers increasingly expect applications and content that are specifically tailored to their needs. To ensure the attention of the reader and in the future as a publisher, publishers should address these developments more closely. That means continually focussing on a few main topicsissues and becoming an expert in these topics.

Letter: The motto for the Conference of the “Kongress der Deutschen Fachpresse” is “Exploring new horizons – actively shaping the future”. If you had one wish – what would you like to shape in the sector?

JG: I would like publishers to engage more with the latest reader expectations and see technical developments not as a threat, but as an opportunity. I am pleased that PressMatrix is part of this development.

We, PressMatrix thank you for the great interview in Letter and are looking forward to the upcoming conference of the German Business Press with exciting topics and inspiring speakers. In this anniversary year, we are once again attending the conference and warmly invite you to come and talk to us. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Find us at Stand 35, near to the cafeteria on 17/18 May.